Dragon climbing a rock

Dragon climbing a rock

An item at Metropolitan Museum of Art

This dragon climbing a garden rock exemplifies Yuan-dynasty use of precious materials. Imported from Burma or the Baltic area, amber was particularly rare in China. It was used more extensively during periods when nomadic imperial houses controlled Central Asian trade routes, leading to increased supplies. The work provides evidence for the free flow of goods along the Silk Road as well as contact between China and other parts of the world.

Asian Art

An exhibit at Metropolitan Museum of Art

Dragon climbing a rockDragon climbing a rockDragon climbing a rockDragon climbing a rockDragon climbing a rock

The Met's collection of Asian art—more than 35,000 objects, ranging in date from the third millennium B.C. to the twenty-first century—is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world. Each of the many civilizations of Asia is represented by outstanding works, providing an unrivaled experience of the artistic traditions of nearly half the world.