Mandala of the Bodhisattva Hannya (Prajnaparamita)

Mandala of the Bodhisattva Hannya (Prajnaparamita)

An item at Metropolitan Museum of Art

The bodhisattva at the center of this mandala personifies the “perfection of wisdom,” a supreme understanding of the nature of things that is fundamental to Mahayana Buddhist teachings. The mandala would have been used during sutra recitations and other rituals. The bodhisattva, holding a scripture, is attended by Bonten and Taishakuten (Sanskrit: Brahma and Indra), major Hindu deities adopted into the Buddhist pantheon as protectors of the faith. The mandala imagines a tiered space with a series of gates leading from the outside in through increasingly sacred registers. A monk near a gate at the bottom is a reminder of the material world. At the periphery are dragons, a phoenix, and apsaras playing music. Dozens of demigods in the gray register serve as protectors of the Sixteen Benevolent Deities in the green area, and the holiest sector features the central triad on a blue platform.

Asian Art

An exhibit at Metropolitan Museum of Art

Mandala of the Bodhisattva Hannya (Prajnaparamita)Mandala of the Bodhisattva Hannya (Prajnaparamita)Mandala of the Bodhisattva Hannya (Prajnaparamita)Mandala of the Bodhisattva Hannya (Prajnaparamita)Mandala of the Bodhisattva Hannya (Prajnaparamita)

The Met's collection of Asian art—more than 35,000 objects, ranging in date from the third millennium B.C. to the twenty-first century—is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world. Each of the many civilizations of Asia is represented by outstanding works, providing an unrivaled experience of the artistic traditions of nearly half the world.